Observe, said Yogi

“You Can Observe a Lot Just by Watching”

That quote from Yogi Berra sounds obvious, even simple. And it is.
That makes it easy to do.


This is what I do, watch and paint, paint and observe.

It’s easy to get caught in detail when you paint from observation. But what I want to paint is not literal, it is not a photographic image. It lies beyond what I see and within what I do.
So, I observe and I paint, and then I look at what I have painted. Observe that and keep painting and observing.

I get to see a bit more with each sketch.

In the meantime, with the Hollidays coming up, I thought you might enjoy reading or giving this book: “Still Life” by Louise Penny

While honing your skills in observations of another kind, it is gripping and amusing. I never read crime novels but Lori Sailata’s suggestion was worth listening to. I hope you enjoy.


Louise Jalbert, Afternoon in November, Sketch # 6, 2017, 11 x 16 inches