Inside, Outside

Painting outside is a good exercise in flexibility; it allows me to warm up my skills, as we do with our body before exercise.That’s partly because it requires physical action, as I often have to move, following the change of light, of weather, or setting. Not to mention the frequent going inside and coming outside dictated by rain or shine. So while dexterity is being practiced, now is a good time to get back to some unfinished watercolors that were put aside in the fall.

Meanwhile a collector came to visit, looking for new work to buy, fueling my resolve.

Within a week or two, these watercolors will be completed. Then I will have them photographed and add the new images on my website.

And in a few more weeks, I will take the studio back inside, to gather what I have collected outside.

But not yet. Now summer is still on, and there is always plenty to do outside.

Louise Jalbert, “Different Watercolors”, 2017-2018, 7 x 11 and 10 x 15 inches, Moleskin Watercolor Sketchbook, 8.5 x 23 inches