While completing the watercolors, I mentioned my intention to start a new body of work with a change of scale.
A change of scale is one way to step into new territory, allowing new possibilities. A change of technique or subject can help too. The direction I am giving myself is to expand my work on color and space. Since I work rather intuitively, I cannot foresee exactly how things will unfold but the intention is clear.
Above is a 22 x 30 in. gouache on paper. That’s the maximum size I used in watercolor. I am aiming for 30 x 36 or 36 x 48 in. canvases, a larger format, big enough to broaden my horizons. Gouache is great for color sketching and close in rendering to the acrylics I will use on canvas.
With this comes a change of pace. I am slower because I am developing new ideas. The field of possibilities, the unknown, the challenges make me reflect deeper on what and how I want to paint in this desire for expansion.
This is a fundamental question, one that is always latent, but in a transition period, it gets a new impetus every time.
I am still working outside
as much as possible, to sharpen and deepen my color and space perception.