A New Commission

A young couple of Montreal architects are asking me to do a painting for their downtown apartment bedroom. Based on their appreciation of my latest series, “Le nez dans l’herbe”, they would like a painting that evokes the impression of being in the foliage.

Since the painting is to be hung above their bed, my first idea was to do a horizontal format as in the sketch above, but that might change as I progress in defining what works best for this space.

I really appreciate their trust, even more so as they know I am presently creating a new body of work. This means I am not on top of things right now, and cannot foresee the finished result yet. But that’s how I create : I start with an idea, and/or a vision, and proceed with experimenting, testing, failing, adjusting until I reach a form that expresses the essence of my vision. I must allow time for trial and error which often yields an unexpected but good result.

Whether we are aware of this or not, each of us is continually in the process of creation : it could be a thought, a meal, a work project, a relationship, a career. In every moment of our lives, we can choose what and how we create. I am doing this commission now. What are you creating?

Louise Jalbert, “Jamais la fin d’été”, 2018, Gouache on paper, 14 x 34 inches