Parle-moi d’amour

could me translated as “tell me about love”, but the expression really means sweet talk me into love. In the classic romantic song “Parlez-moi d’amour“, the lyrics tell how words of love can soften the bitterness of life.

Every year in Montréal, an important fundraising event called “Parle-moi d’amour” takes place in Montréal, curated by Les Impatients, a nonprofit organization that offers free creative workshops to people with mental health issues.

In this exhibition and auction, the artwork created in the workshops is hung along those of professional artists, and all profit generated is dedicated to supporting this mission. I will be participating in the 2019 edition, with the above watercolor, “Orange in August”.

I invite you to come and talk about love to some of us in great need of it. This is a wonderful opportunity to buy a work of art while contributing to a worthy cause.

When: February 13th to the 27th
Where: Atrium of the Wilder building, Espace danse,
1435 Bleury Street, H3A 2H7
Opening night: Friday, February 15, 2019
Louise Jalbert, “Orange en août”, 2017, Watercolor on paper, 11 x 15 inches, framed
Photo Guy L’Heureux