Some Musing and a Reminder

As you might know, I enjoy visiting museums and different venues where art is on display. During the last two or three years, I have been photographing people while they are looking at art, or wandering in these scenographic spaces. I share some of “Muses in Museums” on Instagram, but will start to do so in this newsletter occasionally. Here are two samples, just to get you in the mood.



Remember Parle-moi d’amour? Next week will be the opening of this exhibition I am proud to participate in. The day before Valentine Day seems an appropriate time to show our love to those in need.


Opening: Wednesday February 13th at 5h30

Atrium of Wilder Building-Espace Danse, 1435 Bleury street, Montreal.




Everyone is welcome. This is a chance to buy artwork from Les Impatients or professional artists at a very good price, including mine on the right. Place your bet anytime between February 13 and closing evening, February 27th. I look forward to see you there!



1-Young woman looking at Le déjeuner, Marthe et Jean Terrasse, by Pierre Bonnard, 1916, oil on canvas. Exhibition: Pierre Bonnard: Radiant Color, Musée national des Beaux-Arts du Québec, November 2016. Photo Louise Jalbert
2-Young lady who would be at home in a Balthus painting in front of La rue by Balthus, (1929, oil on canvas), Museum of Modern Art, New York, April 2017. Photo Louise Jalbert
3-Louise Jalbert, “Orange in August”, 2017, Watercolor on paper, 11 x 15 inches, framed.